Academy Award Nominee Movies That Didn't Beg Single Oscar

Academy Award Nominee Movies That Didn’t Beg Single Oscar

5 the wolf of wall street.

IMDb #149

the story of a stock broker portrait by Leonardo who ends up in a jail after a long journey from nothing to a multi millionaire deserved Oscar for the performance of its directing and supporting act of Jonah hill and last but not least amazing performance of Leonardo DiCaprio but sadly even after getting 5 nomination in academy it did not get a single award.

4 fight club.

IMDb #10

the pupil who can’t sleep end up with mostly anxiety but this man portrait by Edward norton end with a friend who change his life and help him creating a gang which scare the shit out of city.its killing suspense and superb and unexpected anti climax was loved by the audience lifting its rating on IMDb audience loved it but performance was not good enough to impress Oscar jury it is hard to digest isn’t it

3 12 angry men.

IMDb #5

A jury consist of 12 person deciding the faith of a spoiled child and his relation to his father murder. the movie shows how a doubt saves a person from committing a serious a single person with his stiff view is able to convince a whole jury after a long hour debate that the child is not guilty. the debate that took place and how much it take to prove every body is one of the greatest classic cult created in Hollywood cinema. still the coming of age people love this movie but the Oscar jury was not convened with the director Sidney and it end up without academy

2 the green mile.

IMDb #31

never judge a book by its cover. a man with a giant body and with bulky look can end up being an angle the work of fantasy creating a long but yet interesting story, with its sub plots it gives a gripping plot that does not let audience go. every character perform to its best but academy jury was not much impress by it.

1 the shawshank redemption.

IMDb #1

hard to digest isn’t it.there is not a single movie lover who haven’t watch this movie.simple yet motivating and interesting plot along with freeman and Robbin best performance gave it a position number one on IMDb. the sub plots anti climax was one of the greatest part of the movie but still it didn’t get any Oscar

rating from imdb

Article Source: [] Academy Award Nominee Movies That Didn’t Beg Single Oscar